Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's Been Awhile

It has been awhile since I posted my first blog, school takes up all of my time especially now at the end of the year and with me being a senior there is so much more stress than I ever imagined.  I have papers, classes, retarded teachers, and finals to worry about not to mention the personal stuff of getting ready for Easter and then graduation.  There is lots to do; mani, pedi, haircut (maybe), shoe shopping, dress shopping, eyebrow wax and then mentally preparing myself for the biggest day in my life up till now.

I am currently trying to write a paper on self-efficacy and it is ironic because at this point in time I want to go to bed, however self-efficacy would say I am setting myself up for failure with that kind of attitude.  So...I must drink another Mountain Dew and keep at it with a positive mood that I will achieve my goals; THANK YOU ALBERT BANDURA!!!!  HAHA It is 9:00pm and this paper is due in the morning, not a hard paper just very tedious and long.

I have decided on something after reading an article about a man and then taking a digital photography class.  So this man starting when he was like 20 or so took a photo a day.  Sometimes they were random and sometimes they had meaning, they were of himself, things, family, and just life in general.  Well anyways they were really neat photos and when he died at a very young age there were like thousands of them.  I took a digital photography class this semester as a filler and I fell in love with taking pictures.  I have improved some and have learned some technique.  I had just recently gotten a new camera that is awesome so I want to start taking more photos.  Now that school will soon be out of the way I can focus on it a little more.  I don't know when but I am going to start taking a photo a day (At least) and see what it brings.  I hope that I can keep it up and not quit and I hope that I take some interesting things.  I will have to post some when I start.  Until then I am going to finish school that will only take less than 2 weeks, oh boy 2 weeks.  Nerves again.

Proverbs 9:10

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Well, its my first post.  I am not sure what blogging will bring but I am excited about trying it out.  I have so much going on in my life right now and I want to share it with all.  So currently I am 29 days away from finishing school...for good, or at least until I go back to grad school.  It does not seem real that I am old enough to be able to graduate from college.  I currently do not have a job lined up for after school and that SCARES ME TO DEATH!!!  However, I do know that I have the biggest supporter on my side GOD!!  GO GOD!!  So that brings me to tell what I am all about.

I am a born again Christian, saved by the grace of God and His Son Jesus Christ,  to live eternally with Him forever in His kingdom (John 3:16).  I am spent most of my life trying to live for His glory and learn what it is like to live only for the Big Guy upstairs.  I have a very strong call to go into the ministry.  Candidacy is something that has to be done in order to become a pastor of sorts.  I think I have decided to go the Deacon track on this (if you read this and are unsure of what this is I will answer any questions).  You see I have a passion...Missions.  Any kind of missions, international or national of any age and sorts.  This is what I want to do for the rest of my life, be a missionary.  So when I graduate in May I would love to have a job within a mission organization or church.

I am a lucky person, I have been able to go to college, have a wonderful family (even if they are dysfunctional), and my friends are the greatest.  I don't think I would be able to survive without m friends.  I know that it sounds a little dramatic but it is the truth.

Well, I think I will wrap up my first post.  I am not sure if anyone will read my blog and that ok, its kinda like a journal anyways for me.  If you are reading this and want me to talk about anything in particular feel free to let me know.
